AmScope upgrades
I designed a 3D-printable eyepiece holder that mates a Raspberry Pi camera to a popular inexpensive stereo inspection scope. This lets me send 5MP images from my AmScope straight to the network, without the need for a laptop!
<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”aligncenter size-large wp-image-1564” src=”uploads/2016/04/IMG_20160423_161051.jpg<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-1563” src=”uploads/2016/04/IMG_20160423_161101.jpg
The design files are here on Thingiverse.
I’m also using this awesome Raspberry Pi case with a chunk of Misumi extruded aluminum to hold the Pi in place.
<img decoding=”async” loading=”lazy” class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-1566” src=”uploads/2016/04/IMG_20160423_161044.jpg
An external button from an old joystick is wired to the GPIO lines. Using Adafruit’s Retrogame GPIO keyboard emulator, this hits the enter key to tell raspistill to take a photo every time the button is pressed. It’s connected to an old LCD monitor, giving me a nice big view of what’s under the scope.
The pi automatically logs in on the console at boot, and saves its images to a folder watched by Bittorrent Sync, which then pushes it out automatically to the WiFi.
Turn it on, hit the button, picture lands on the network. Perfect!